Natural Headache Solution
Pain that starts in the shoulders and goes to the back of the head.
Head feels like it in a vice
Pain behind one or both eyeballs, sometimes even stabbing.
Low grade headache that is just there all day
Throbbing pain in the temples
Feeling like you can’t even function
These are some of the ways our patients have described how their headaches feel.
Unfortunately, most of the treatments out there are aimed at treating the symptoms but not the underlying cause. That is why they tend to keep coming back. We explain to our patients that your headache isn’t the problem, your problem is causing your headache.
That’s the trick, finding the problem. There are many different approaches to treating headaches, but until the cause is found, treatments can be hit or miss.
Just some of the possible causes of Headaches:
Neck Misalignment
Poor Posture
Trigger points in one of the many neck muscles
Trigger points in the shoulder muscles
TMJ problems
Pelvic Misalignment
When a patient comes in with headaches, the first goal is to find out what’s going on. Then we can fix it. Unfortunately too many health care providers just use a cookie cutter approach to care.